News Update./ This year the latest news follows this below.
30th OCTOBER 2020

Achnacarry Captain Sir Tom

Since last updating in June nothing much has changed in the human world with Covid 19 domineering all the news. However..here in the Achnacarry pony world the foals continue to grow and mature and give me endless entertainment. Sorcha continues to grow and grazes with her mother most of the time but there are times when she likes to be with Magnus in the main. Magnus although the youngest of the three continues to thrive and cavorts with Captain Sir Tom. I am pleased with all three of them but if I find suitable homes for the boys I will be pleased to let them go. Next time I update I would think they will be weaned and inside.

7th June 2020.
I think like most horsey people I was very glad to see the end of winter which was one of the wettest I have known in a long time. Little did any of us know what lay ahead of us .......a long dry hot spell from April until the beginning of June........but the Coronavirus landed on our shores. Thank goodness for ponies and dogs. I eventually got my two yearling fillies out and prepared for the arrival of this years foals. The first foal arrived on 2nd May born to Siusaidh. I called him Captain Tom after the wonderful gentleman Captain Tom Moore who walked round his home to celebrate his forthcoming 100th birthday and to raise funds for the NHS. He raised almost £40.000.000.....his target being £1000! My second foal was born on 11th May a filly,foal to Fionnalaigh. The third foal a Colt was born on 1st June born to Rosanna. All mares cleansed and all,foals well.

15th June 2020
The ponies and foals had a visit from James and Joanna Dawson with their new son, Magnus whom I named after my final foal born this year. His Dam is Rosanna...Rosie for short and this delightful photo taken by Joanna is of Rosie saying hello to Baby Magnus. The next photograph is of Joanna and Magnus meeting Magnus the foal. James helped me last year at some of the shows and hopefully once life becomes more settled for everyone I can look forward to help again with showing the ponies. Meanwhile I have plenty time to handle foals this year as we won't be going anywhere!
